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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Astro Boy (1980 TV series)

Archive 10

Astro Boy (1980 TV series)

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Astro Boy (1980 TV series)


Original Hand Painted Production Cel
Size: 10.5" x 9" inches (unframed)
Release Date: 1980
Produced By: Tezuka Productions
Item Code: MIS-00358
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Astro Boy Production Cel (Tezuka Productions, c. 1980).

The titular robot hero Astro Boy (Atom) is featured here in this marvelous hand-painted original production cel from the 1980 color adaptation of Osamu Tezuka's groundbreaking classic Astro Boy. The series is most known for being the first work of fiction to embody the aesthetic known as anime, and Tezuka, often regarded as the "God of Manga", developed the designs of Astro Boy drawing inspiration from classic Walt Disney and Max Fleischer cartoons.

Astro Boy measures 8" x 8" inches on the 10.5" x 9" inch animation cel. The cel has production codes in the top area, in-between the 3-peg holes. The cel shows minor handling and edge wear, and is in very good condition. A huge, stellar image of our hero, perfect for any collection needing the essential anime character. The cel is accompanied with a certificate of authenticity.