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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Archive 10

FAMILY GUY "Something, Something, Something Darkside" (2010)

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FAMILY GUY "Something, Something, Something Darkside" (2010)


Episode: "Something, Something, Something Darkside"
Original Production Drawing
Size: 12.5" x 10.5" inches (unframed)
Original Airdate: May 23rd, 2010
Produced By: Twentieth Century Fox

Item Code: FG-C0289
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Comic Mint is your best source for 100% genuine FAMILY GUY Animation Artwork licensed by Twentieth Century Fox. We are pleased to offer Family Guy fans this outstanding original production drawing featuring Chris as Luke Skywalker, from the classic season eight episode # "Something, Something, Something Darkside" (2010).

This is a one-of-a-kind piece that was used in the making of this Family Guy episode. The drawing measures 10.5 inches by 12.5 inches wide and has the three-peg punch holes, and bears the Twentieth Century Fox gold seal (lower corner). The artwork is accompanied by the original Twentieth Century Fox certificate of authenticity and is in excellent condition.We have also provided a screenshot of the scene to show as reference where this scene drawing was used in the making of this episode, which appears on screen around the 18:45 mark.

This screenshot shown is for reference ONLY, and the drawing is NOT accompanied with any full size colour print out.

The Star Wars Saga can finally be considered a bona fide cultural phenomenon with the Family Guy retelling of the second episode. Well, technically, a retelling of the fifth episode-if you're sticking to the internal chronology of the story. An awful lot of folks, though, call it the second episode because it's the second one they made. ...So anyway, in the retelling of the second episode of the original trilogy, we meet Han Solo's (Peter) old friend, Lando Calrissian (Mort Goldman), face the menace of Boba Fett (Ernie, the Giant Chicken) and witness as Luke (Chris) begins his apprenticeship to venerable Jedi Master Yoda (Carl). From the appendage-shrinking chill of the ice planet Hoth, to the dank, swampy mystery of Dagobah, there are laughs across the galaxy! And hey, let's all give Luke a big hand for his lightsaber duel with--spoiler alert--his father, Darth Vader! Freakin' sweet! Or should we say, "Forcin' sweet!"