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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


THE SIMPSONS "Homer vs Dignity" (2000)

Archive 10

THE SIMPSONS "Homer vs Dignity" (2000)

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THE SIMPSONS "Homer vs Dignity" (2000)


Episode: "Homer vs Dignity" (2000)
Original Production Storyboard Page 103
Size: 14" x 8.5" inches (unframed)
Original Airdate: 26th November, 2000
Produced By: Twentieth Century Fox

Item Code: SM-E5367
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Comic Mint, your best source for Simpsons animation art, is pleased to offer our collectors this original production storyboard from the classic twelfth season episode "Homer vs Dignity" (2000).
Until now, these unique pieces of Simpsons history have remained locked away in the vaults of the Twentieth Century Fox studio, unseen by the public.

This storyboard is rendered in graphite and coloured pencil on a sheet of Film Roman storyboard paper measuring 8.5” x 14” inches.
The page is numbered 103, and features the characters with the scripted dialogue, along with hand-written production/scene notes. The storyboard has the official FOX gold seal on the back (lower right corner) and is accompanied with the Twentieth Century Fox ‘Collector’s Portfolio’ certificate of authenticity.

We have also provided screenshots from the scenes, to show as reference where the storyboard panels were used in the making of this episode, which appear on screen near the 12:48 mark.

"Homer vs Dignity” is the fifth episode of The Simpsons' twelfth season. It first aired in the United States on the Fox network on November 26th, 2000.
In the episode, Homer asks Mr Burns for a pay rise after the family have to dress up as a Mariachi band and sing for their dinner, but Mr Burns has a better idea, hiring Homer as his prank monkey, paying him to throw pudding at Lenny, eat an expensive Spider-Man comic in front of Comic Book Guy, and enter the panda enclosure at the zoo in a panda costume.

Storyboards are the first step in the animation production process, and are an integral part in the making of this episode. Each storyboard involves a massive creative effort, detailing, shot by shot, how the production team take their ideas for each episode and turn them into the anarchic animation we all know and love.
These pages also provide us with hilarious insights into the making of the show, along with full script annotations.