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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


The Ren & Stimpy Show "Nurse Stimpy" (1991)

Archive 10

The Ren & Stimpy Show "Nurse Stimpy" (1991)

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The Ren & Stimpy Show "Nurse Stimpy" (1991)


Episode: "Nurse Stimpy" (1991)
Original Production Drawing
Size: 12.5" x 10.5" inches (unframed)
Original Airdate: August 25th, 1991 (Season 1)
Produced By: Spumco / Nickelodeon

Item Code: RS-00768
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Ren and Stimpy Show “Nurse Stimpy" Production Drawing Animation Art (1991).

This great drawing features Ren (having woken up sick) dressed in a hospital gown, and sitting on an examination table. Stimpy (having promised to make Ren feel better as Nurse Stimpy) "Now just relax, and don't worry about a thing! I'm just going to perform a few tests!"

This is a one-of-a-kind piece that was used in the making of this Ren & Stimpy episode. Freeze-frame your DVD or Video, and you will see where this drawing was used to create the finished cel, which appears on screen around the 15:48 mark. We have provided a screenshot of the scene as reference.

This drawing was rendered in graphite and pink pencil on 12 field 3-peghole animation paper, with lots of animation notations. Some minor handling and wear, but otherwise in very good condition. The drawing measures 10.5 inches by 12.5 inches wide with three-peg punch holes. It has the Nickelodeon embossed seal imprinted on the paper, and is accompanied with the Nickelodeon certificate of authenticity.

The screenshot shown is for reference ONLY, and the drawing is NOT accompanied with any full size colour print out.

Episode Synopsis:
"Nurse Stimpy" is a first season episode of The Ren & Stimpy Show that originally aired on August 25th, 1991 and was the 4th episode in the series.
Stricken with an illness, Ren is brought back to health through Stimpy's unusual nursing practices. In some cases, the cure can be worse than the illness !!!!