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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


THE SIMPSONS "I Married Marge" (1991)

Archive 10

THE SIMPSONS "I Married Marge" (1991)

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THE SIMPSONS "I Married Marge" (1991)


Episode: "I Married Marge" (1991)
Original Hand Painted Production Cel & Hand Painted Background
Size: 12.5" x 10.5" inches (unframed)
Original Airdate: December 26th, 1991 (Season 3)
Produced By: Twentieth Century Fox

Item Code: SM-F3088
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Comic Mint is your best source for 100% genuine Simpsons Animation Artwork licensed by Twentieth Century Fox. We are pleased to offer SIMPSONS fans this outstanding hand painted original key master setup: Original production cels applied to the matching original hand painted background, from the classic third season episode # "I Married Marge" (1991).

Sensational multi-character setup featuring Homer, at the window, pondering whether Marge is pregnant, with Lisa, Bart and Maggie asking questions.
Bart: "Hey, Homer, how come Mom's going to the doctor?”
Lisa: "Is anything wrong?”
Homer: "No, everything's fine. Your mother uh just... broke her leg!”
Lisa: "What!?" Bart: "I smell a bun in the oven…" Lisa: "Is Mom going to have another baby, Dad?"

This is a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted production cel setup (there are no others), and the artwork was filmed and used in the making of this SIMPSONS episode. Freeze-frame your DVD or Video, and you will see this unique piece of artwork! The characters are hand-painted onto separate cels, and placed against the matching original hand-painted background.

This 12 field, 3-peghole, 7 cel setup measures 10.5 inches by 12.5 inches wide, and bears the Twentieth Century Fox gold seal (lower corner). The artwork is also accompanied with the original Twentieth Century Fox certificate of authenticity and is in excellent condition.

"I Married Marge" is the twelfth episode of The Simpsons' third season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on December 26th, 1991. In the episode, Marge worries that she may yet again be pregnant and drives to Dr. Hibbert's office. While anxiously waiting, Homer begins to tell Bart, Lisa, and Maggie the story of how he and Marge got married and how Bart was born.