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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


The Ren & Stimpy Show "Stimpy's Fan Club" (1993)

Archive 8

The Ren & Stimpy Show "Stimpy's Fan Club" (1993)

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The Ren & Stimpy Show "Stimpy's Fan Club" (1993)


Episode: "Stimpy's Fan Club" (1993)
Original Production Drawing
Produced By: Spumco / Nickelodeon
Size: 12.5" x 10.5" inches (unframed)
Original Airdate: April 24th, 1993 (Season 2)
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD

Item Code: RS-00778

Ren and Stimpy Show “Stimpy’s Fan Club" Production Drawing Animation Art (1993).

This scene layout features a psychotic image of Ren holding a letter he has just received from the mailman, and approaches Stimpy.

Ren: “Well guess what the Mailman bought you today...NOTHING !!!!
This letter's for me! See?! You they have forgotten! Now it's me they love! It is I that is the most loved. I, who shall rule! OH YES! THIS IS THE PROOF! THIS IS THE PROOF THAT YOU...ARE...FINISHED! Listen!

This is a one-of-a-kind piece that was used in the making of this Ren & Stimpy episode. Freeze-frame your DVD or Video, and you will see where this drawing was used to create the finished cel, which appears on screen around the 19:56 mark. We have provided a screenshot of the scene as reference.

This drawing was rendered in graphite and coloured pencil on 12 field 3-peghole animation paper, with lots of animation notations. The drawing is in very fine condition.

The drawing measures 10.5 inches by 12.5 inches wide with three-peg punch holes. It has the official Nickelodeon embossed seal imprinted on the paper, and is accompanied with the Nickelodeon certificate of authenticity.

Episode Synopsis:
"Stimpy’s Fan Club is a second season episode of The Ren & Stimpy Show that originally aired on April 24th, 1993, and was the sixteenth episode in the series.
When Stimpy becomes the adoration of many fans, Ren becomes jealous. So, Stimpy makes him president of the Stimpy fan-club, leading to ren getting even more jealous and thinking about killing Stimpy. Then Ren is sent a fan letter, of which he gloats about to Stimpy, but then cries out of shame when he learns the letter was from Stimpy himself.


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