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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Marvel, 2006) by Mike Wieringo & Karl Kesel

Archive 7

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Marvel, 2006) by Mike Wieringo & Karl Kesel

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2 (Marvel, 2006) by Mike Wieringo & Karl Kesel


Spidey finishes beating up The Ox (of the Enforcers, no less!) in a dark alley, only to be stopped by the man without fear !!!

Blue-Lined Pencils & Inks on Bristol Board
Volume 1, Issue 2
Produced By: Marvel Comics
Size: 11" x 17" inches (unframed)
Release Date: January, 2006
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD

Item Code: CB-00827

Mike Wieringo and Karl Kessel - Original Page 21 artwork to "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" #2 (Marvel, 2006).

From the Reginald Hudlin storyline "The Other: Evolve or Die", this dynamic page features Spidey, The Ox and Daredevil.

Tragically, Mike Wieringo died in 2007 at just 44 years of age, and Wieringo pages are becoming extremely scarce. This original blue-lined page comes from the collection of inker, Karl Kessel, and this page is the original published artwork for this book.

This artwork has an image area of approximately 10" x 15” inches, and is in excellent condition, and is signed by Karl Kesel in the lower margin.

Please note that the comic book image is for reference only, and is not sold with the artwork.

Story Synopsis for “The Other: Evolve or Die” 
Spidey faces his biggest threat yet - a foe so insidious that he can't hope to handle it alone. With friends like Reed Richards, Dr. Strange and Hank Pym, he won't have to. But can even the world's greatest minds change the course of fate?


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