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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Archive 10

Archie Comics Digest #10 by Dan DeCarlo (Archie, 1974)

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Archie Comics Digest #10 by Dan DeCarlo (Archie, 1974)


Artist: Dan DeCarlo
Art Type: Cover
Pencilled and Inked on bristol board
Volume 1, Issue 10
Published By: Archie Comics (1974)

Item Code: CA-00761
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Dan DeCarlo  - Original Cover art to Archie Comics Digest #10 and also published as an Archie Pin Up in Archie Comics, 1974.

The published cover was modified from the Pin Up artwork, and the Pin Up was published a little earlier before being used for the Digest cover.
The art is pencil and ink on bristol board, with an image area of 10" x 15" inches. Please note the comic book image is provided as reference, and is not sold with the artwork. The artwork is in very good condition. 

Dan DeCarlo (December 12, 1919 – December 18, 2001) 
Beginning his career at Archie in the mid 1950s, DeCarlo is best known as the artist who developed the look of Archie Comics in the late 1950s and early 1960s, modernizing the characters to their contemporary appearance and establishing the publisher's house style up until his death. DeCarlo drew every character in the Archie pantheon at one time or another, but it is his outstanding work on Betty and Veronica that he is held in such high regard for. 

Art collectors seek out original artwork from DeCarlo’s best period artistically, which is the mid 1950’s to the early 1970s. Artwork from this period is highly sought after and steadily rising in value.