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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Archive 10

Archie Marries #602 by Stan Goldberg (Archie, 2009)

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Archie Marries #602 by Stan Goldberg (Archie, 2009)


Artists: Stan Goldberg & Bob Smith
Art Type: Splash Page
Pencilled and Inked on bristol board
Volume 1, Issue 602
Published By: Archie Comics (2009)

Item Code: CB-00188
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Stan Goldberg & Bob Smith - Original Splash Page art to ARCHIE MARRIES #602 (Archie, 2009).

The eternal love triangle that has been the cornerstone of Archie comics for almost seven decades was finally untangled in this six-part story written by Michael Uslan (writer and the executive producer of the Batman films) and beautifully illustrated by legendary Archie artist Stan Goldberg. The journey begins when Archie finds himself strolling up Memory Lane, and marries the wealthy and cultured Veronica Lodge. Later we see what happens when he strolls down Memory Lane and marries the wholesome, Betty Cooper.

This is the original artwork for page 14 from issue #604. This is the pivotal moment in the series where Archie & Betty have just tied the knot and are embraced in their wedding kiss. This is a classic collectable page for the Archie Marries series. It measures 11x17 inches and is beautifully illustrated by Stan Goldberg and inked by Bob Smith. The page is signed by Stan Goldberg and comes from his personal collection.

Stan Goldberg has been one of the top comic book illustrators for over 6 decade and was the recipient of the prestigious Gold Key Award presented by the National Cartoonist Society in May of 2012. The Gold Key, awarded by unanimous vote of the NCS Board of Directors, honors the recipient as a member of the NCS Hall of Fame. Stan’s career has spanned over sixty years since starting as a colorist for Timely (Marvel) Comics in 1949, where he helped establish the color designs for characters like Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four. His work for Archie Comics has been a staple of excellent comic storytelling for almost half a century.

After the cover, the splash page is the most sought after page inside a comic book.