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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


The Ren & Stimpy Show "The Black Hole" (1992)

Archive 10

The Ren & Stimpy Show "The Black Hole" (1992)


The Ren & Stimpy Show "The Black Hole" (1992)


Episode: "The Black Hole" (1992)
Original Hand Painted Production Cel
Size: 12.5" x 10.5" inches (unframed)
Original Airdate: February 23rd, 1992 (Season 1)
Produced By: Spumco / Nickelodeon

Item Code: RS-00756
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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The Ren and Stimpy Show “The Black Hole" Production Cel Setup (1992).
We are pleased to offer Ren & Stimpy fans this original production cel setup featuring Commander Ren Hoek & Cadet Stimpy from the classic first season episode "The Black Hole" (1992).

After being kicked off a bus for not having the correct change, Stimpy decides to use his Spacetime contraption reversing the dial so that both of them will implode.
Resigned to their impending doom, both characters hug and say their goodbyes. Stimpy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bunch of coins!
Stimpy: “Oh silly me! I had a whole pocket full of change all the time! Kinda ironic, huh, Ren?” Ren is angry, and both characters implode.

This is a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted cel setup which was filmed and used in the making of this episode. Freeze-frame your DVD or Video, and you will see this unique piece of artwork on screen around the 08:47 mark.

The characters are comprised of four seperate animation cels measuring 10.5 inches by 12.5 inches wide and have the three-peg punch holes, and has the Nickelodeon gold seal (upper corner). The cels are placed against the matching scene background and accompanied with the original Nickelodeon certificate of authenticity and in excellent condition.

Episode Synopsis:
"The Black Hole" is a first season episode of The Ren & Stimpy Show that originally aired on February 23rd, 1992, and was the twelfth episode in the series.
In this classic John Kricfalusi episode, "Black Hole", Commander Hoek and Cadet Stimpy are sucked into the hideous vortex of a black hole and have to deal with the atmosphere making them go crazy.