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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


THE SIMPSONS "Bart Sells His Soul" (1995)

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THE SIMPSONS "Bart Sells His Soul" (1995)

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THE SIMPSONS "Bart Sells His Soul" (1995)


Episode: "Bart Sells His Soul" (1995)
Original Hand Painted Production Cel
Size: 12.5" x 10.5" inches (unframed)
Produced By: Twentieth Century Fox
Original Airdate: October 8th, 1995 (Season 7)
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD

Item Code: SM-F2970

Comic Mint is your best source for 100% genuine Simpsons Animation Artwork licensed by Twentieth Century Fox.
We are pleased to offer SIMPSONS fans this outstanding hand painted original production cel setup, from the classic seventh season episode # "Bart Sells His Soul" (1995).

Perhaps the most ICONIC images from this episode, in which Bart discovers Milhouse playing in the dirt with his army soldiers, a tank and a white piece of paper he sold to Mulhouse for five bucks which happens to be “Bart Simpson’s Soul".
Milhouse: "Cover me, Sarge! I'm going after Bart's soul! (makes machine gun noises, and in an accent) If the Ayatollah can't have it, no one can!” (he then drives a tank over the piece of paper)
Bart: (stammers) "Uh, you know, Milhouse….”
Milhouse: (smug) “Yeees?” Bart: "Bet you're getting tired of that soul, huh?”
Milhouse: “Nooo" Bart: "Suppose someone wanted to… buy it from you” Milhouse: “Oh, You want to buy it back, Bart? Sure, no problem! (merciless) Fifty bucks!”
Bart: "What?!!!" Milhouse: "Who's stupid now, huh? (laughs maniacally)

This is a one-of-a-kind, hand-painted piece that was filmed under the camera, and used in the making of this Simpsons episode. Freeze-frame your DVD or Video, and you will see this unique piece of artwork! The characters, toy soldier and army tank are hand-painted onto separate cels, and placed against a copy made from the original matching scene background.

The animation cel measures 10.5 inches by 12.5 inches wide and has the three-peg punch holes, and bears the Twentieth Century Fox gold seal (lower corner). The artwork is accompanied by the original Twentieth Century Fox certificate of authenticity and is in excellent condition.

"Bart Sells His Soul" is the fourth episode of The Simpsons' seventh season. It first aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 8th, 1995.
In the episode, while being punished for playing a prank at church, Bart declares that there is no such thing as a soul and to prove it he sells his to Milhouse for $5 in the form of a piece of paper with "Bart Simpson's soul" written on it. Lisa warns that Bart will regret this decision, and Bart soon experiences strange changes in his life. Thinking he has really lost his soul, he becomes desperate to get it back. Lisa eventually obtains it and returns it to a relieved Bart.


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