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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Archie (1975) by Dan DeCarlo

Archive 10

Archie (1975) by Dan DeCarlo

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Archie (1975) by Dan DeCarlo


Artist: Dan DeCarlo
Pencilled and Inked on bristol board
Image Size: 18" x 5.25" inches (unframed)
Publishing Date: 16th September, 1975
Produced By: King Features Syndicate, INC

Item Code: CB-00550
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD


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Dan DeCarlo Archie Daily Comic Strip Original Art dated 9-16-1975 (King Features Syndicate, 1975).

Legendary Archie artist, Dan DeCarlo had just begun ghosting this strip earlier in 1975. Archie's co-creator Bob Montana had handled the writing and art for this strip from February 1946 until April 20, 1975. DeCarlo was one of the uncredited artists to continue the series, and he was already the established artist-heir to Montana's Riverdale gang, and Betty's faces in this strip clearly show why!

Created in ink over graphite on Bristol board with an image area which measures 18" x 5.25" inches. Aside from glue residue, where Zipatone has slipped off of the board, the art is in very good condition. The artwork has the Archie Comic Publications stamp on the back (see image).