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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Wizard of Id (1976) by Brant Parker & Johnny Hart

Archive 10

Wizard of Id (1976) by Brant Parker & Johnny Hart

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Wizard of Id (1976) by Brant Parker & Johnny Hart


Terrific Parker & Hart original comic strip daily,
featuring the pint-sized King and Sir Rodney the Chicken-Hearted, the king's chief knight !!!

Size: 18" x 5.25" inches (unframed)
Release Date: 17th January, 1976
Produced By: Creators Syndicate, INC
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD

Item Code: CB-00522

Here is the original artwork for the classic "Wizard of Id" Daily Comic Strip, dated January 17th, 1976, pencilled by Brant Parker and written by Johnny Hart.

The spontaneous, brightly composed style that Hart had introduced with B.C. during the 1950s carried over impressively to The Wizard of Id, his collaborative strip with Parker. This darkly humorous installment features the signature characters, Sir Rodney and the King. Ink over graphite on lightweight Bristol board, with Zipatone shading. Image area, 18" x 5.25" inches. Faint toning.

The Wizard of Id
The Wizard of Id is a daily newspaper comic strip created by American cartoonists Brant Parker and Johnny Hart. Beginning in 1964, the strip follows the antics of a large cast of characters in a shabby medieval kingdom called "Id". From time to time, the king refers to his subjects as "Idiots". (The title is a play on The Wizard of Oz, combined with the Freudian psychological term Id, which represents the instinctive and primal part of the human psyche.)


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