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Comic-Mint - Simpsons Animation Art Cels, Disney, Hanna-Barbera, Warners, Ren & Stimpy & Other Pop Culture Collectibles


Blondie (1991) Dean Young & Stan Drake

Archive 10

Blondie (1991) Dean Young & Stan Drake

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Blondie (1991) Dean Young & Stan Drake


BLONDIE original comic strip daily by Drake and Young,
featuring a memorable gag with Blondie and Dagwood!

Size: 16.5" x 5.75" inches (unframed)
Release Date: 21st May, 1991
Produced By: King Features Syndicate, INC
Worldwide Shipping (FedEx): $30 USD

Item Code: CB-00509

Here is the original art for the classic "Blondie" Daily Comic Strip, dated 21st May, 1991, written by Dean Young and illustrated by Stan Drake. 

This BLONDIE strip measures 16.5" x 5.75" inches, and the artwork is in excellent condition. The artwork is double signed by both Young and Drake in the lower right, and also has a written dedication. This funny food gag, features Blondie and Dagwood.

Dean Wayne Young (born July 2, 1938) is the head writer of the popular comic strip Blondie, which he inherited from his father Chic Young, who died in 1973.

Stanley Albert Drake (November 9, 1921 – March 10, 1997) was an American cartoonist best known as the founding artist of the comic strip The Heart of Juliet Jones. In 1984, Drake replaced Mike Gersher as the artist on Blondie (written by Dean Young), and he continued drawing the strip until his death.


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